Could Learning The Proper Way To Make A Bed Change How You Sleep?
Do you make your bed? Does it seem like a job that’s just too hard when you roll out of bed on the way to the coffee machine when the alarm finally forces you up? Do you even know the proper way to make a bed? It can be so tempting to just get out of bed, leave the sheets in a crumpled mess, and get started with the business of the day. After all, it’s going to be out of sight, out of mind; and you’re just going to mess it up again when you get in that night, right?
Yes, that is true, but take a moment to think about how your bedroom feels when you go to bed. Does it feel nice to get into a tangled mess of bedding? Does it look nice and inviting? I don’t think so. I bet you don’t either. On the other hand, nothing looks more inviting and comfortable than a beautifully made bed.
Having a properly made bed will change the atmosphere in your bedroom and make you feel great about going to bed. If you feel great about going to bed, and therefore more relaxed and open to sleep as you hit the bed, it could set you up for a better night’s sleep. If you want to know more about why sleep is so important, you can read about it here. It is therefore totally worth a few minutes of your time in the morning to make your bed if it’s going to help set you up for a lovely night of sleep.
If you don’t have time to make your bed in the morning, you could even do it in the evening. Just make sure it is at some point before you want to enter the room to go to sleep.
I’ve got step by step instructions and a video on the best way to make up your bed here. It may actually be simpler and quicker than you think.
The proper way to make your bed in five easy steps
There is bound to be more than one way to make a bed to make it look great. I’m sharing with you a way that strikes a good compromise between not being overly fussy and leaving you with a lovely, properly made bed. Remember: the more often you make your bed, the faster you will get at it!
- Start by putting your fitted sheet onto your mattress. Work your way around the bed and ensure a nice, taut fit. If you are remaking your bed after getting out of it in the morning, take your top layers of bedding off so you can see the fitted sheet, then smooth and pull it back down.
- Place your flat sheet on the bed. The finished side of the sheet should go facing the mattress. This is because if you add a comforter or blanket and tuck the sheet over the top after, you will see the nice finishing on the sheet.
- Tuck your flat sheet and any light blankets you are using into neat hospital corners in the two corners at the foot of your bed. The video I’ve got for you below shows you exactly how to do this very easily (at around the 1 minute mark of the video).
- If you have a duvet, shake it over the bed and then roll it back and fold into thirds at the foot of the bed.
- Place your pillows at the head of your bed. There is no right or wrong about how many pillows to have, or how to place them. It is what you like the look of that matters.
Here is a short video from bed stylist Steven Whitehead, of luxury decor and design service One King’s Lane:
Now step back and admire your handiwork. Take a moment to think about how it feels to have a nicely made bed. Does it give you a sense of satisfaction? Will you look forward to going to bed at the end of the day just a little bit more now?
Need a faster alternative?
Have you read the steps, watched the video, and are now feeling a bit worried about making your bed even though you want to improve your bedroom? I have a great quick alternative for you. This is something that will help your bed to breathe throughout the day and keep it looking tidy, too. It does not look as inviting as a properly made bed, but it is healthy for your bed and looks acceptable. Here it is:
Instead of just getting out of bed and leaving the covers in a mess, roll them neatly to the foot of the bed. Then straighten the sheet on your mattress. This takes one second, it clears bedding from the bed to allow air to get around, and looks reasonably tidy if you straighten the bottom sheet. It is also easy to get into bed again at the end of the day because all you have to do is roll the covers neatly back over yourself.
I will admit that this is what I usually do with my own bed. I love it because it is so quick and reasonably tidy looking. I like the fact it airs the bed out during the day, too.
Do you make your bed? Do you have any nifty tips and tricks to make a bed feel like an inviting space to sleep? Please leave me a comment, I’d love to hear your bed making hacks!